A downloadable tool for Windows

Pivot Animator 5.2.5

Pivot Animator 5 is the latest new and improved version of the Pivot Animator software. There's a User Guide available to explain the new features and how to use them. Please report any issues (with detailed instructions to cause them) via the Contact page. If you would like to download Pivot Animator 5 then click the download button below. This version will not overwrite version 4, so you can have both. Note that Pivot is currently only available for Windows.

Pivot Animator 5 may not run on some older machines. Please check the System Requirements further down this page before installing.

Every link that is in this page directly leads to the verified Pivot Animator's site

System Requirements:

- Windows 7 with service pack 1 or later. Windows 10 is recommended.

- A Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).

- DirectX version 11 or later. Run 'dxdiag' from the search bar and check the DirectX Version in the System tab

- At least 4GB of RAM memory is recommended

- 60MB of Hard Disk space for the installation files

New Features include:

Frame inbetweening to speed up the process of creating smooth movements
Bendy line segments to help create more natural and less rigid figures
Canvas zoom to help in creating more detailed figures and more precise poses
Virtual camera to easily create zoom and pan camera motion effects
Colour and Gradient backgrounds to quickly create vibrant backgrounds
Text tool to quickly add subtitles or dialog with many diffent styles
Multiple colours and sprites per figure to create more realistic figures
Much higher segment limit per figure (30,000) to create more complex figures
Polyfill tool to fill large areas and create complex shapes
Segment colour gradients to make more realistic figures with shading
Figure outlines to make your figures or text stand out
Ability to modify existing figure types to speed up the process of making improvements
Dark Mode user interface to reduce eye strain
Status bar info at bottom of main window to see pose data and other figure information
Animated PNG export for a higher quality alternative to animated GIF
WMV, WEBM, MP4 and lossless FFV1 video export for editing or uploading
STK figure file preview in Windows Explorer to make browsing figures easier
- Faster graphics using the gpu to reduce latency
- Smooth drawing with subpixel accuracy for a more modern and accurate appearance

Older versions:

In this page there are also old versions of pivot animator! Those versions are marked and don't contain the all the new futures

Pivot Animator
Release date Jun 12, 2001
Tagsanimate, Animation, Level Editor, pivot
Average sessionA few hours
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
LinksOriginal Website Of Pivot Animator


Pivot Animator v5.2.5
(OLD) Pivot Animator v.4.2.9
(OLD) Pivot Animator v2.2.7

Install instructions

  • Download the file and double click it.
  • If windows defender is stopping you, you might need to disable it.
  • After opening the .exe file choose your preferred language. Then click next.
  • If you do not want any other programs downloaded onto your device press decline! This is default by the original creator!
  • Press finish!

Development log


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sure the latest and middelest dosent work just the old one frog guy

Should be fixed now. Thanks for the help!


Hello, Users! I hope you enjoy the Pivot Animator